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Naples Personal Injury Lawyer > Bonita Springs Burn Injury Lawyer

Bonita Springs Burn Injury Lawyer

In Bonita Springs, and throughout Florida, many types of accidents happen every day. Any type of accident can cause victims to sustain many different types of injuries. Of all the different injuries, burns are some of the most serious. Burn injuries are incredibly painful. They also require treatment that is not only extremely invasive, but very expensive, as well. If you have suffered a burn injury due to another person’s negligence, you will need compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost income, and more. Our Bonita Springs burn injury lawyer can help you obtain the maximum compensation you deserve.

Common Types of Burn Injuries in Bonita Springs

Most burn injuries in Bonita Springs happen when another person acts negligently. Negligence, or carelessness, can result in many different types of burns. The most common of these are as follows:

  • Thermal burns, normally caused by scalding liquids, such as boiling water
  • Electrical burns
  • Construction accident burns
  • Chemical burns
  • Burns and smoke inhalation due to fire exits that are blocked
  • Fires caused by defective or faulty products, such as stoves, furnaces, and other appliances
  • Explosion accidents
  • Apartment complex fires
  • Fires caused by auto accidents

Any of the above burn injuries can result in nerve damage, permanent scarring, and disfigurement. When a burn injury is very serious, it can cause a temporary or permanent disability. These disabilities can prevent people from returning to work or doing the things they once loved.

Treating Burn Injuries

Burns are some of the most painful injuries. Considering that one inch of human skin contains 1,000 nerve endings, this comes as no surprise. Burn injuries cause an immense amount of damage to all layers of the skin, which often means skin grafts are required. A skin graft is a surgical procedure that removes skin from one area of the body and transplants it onto another. Skin grafts are often necessary and effective. Still, they are extremely painful for burn injury patients.

Burn injuries can also result in dehydration. At times, dehydration can become so serious the condition requires hospitalization. Hospital stays can be very long after a burn injury and patients often need intravenous methods to restore their fluid levels. Another common complication that can stem from a burn injury is the chance of infection. An infection will require medication and additional treatment that is painful for patients and result in lengthier and more expensive hospital stays.

Contact Our Burn Injury Lawyer in Bonita Springs for a Consultation

If you have suffered a burn injury due to another person’s negligence, you should not be responsible for paying the high medical bills and losing income because you cannot return to work. At Cardinal Law, our Bonita Springs burn injury lawyer can help you determine who is liable for your accident and guide you through the claims process so you obtain the full and fair settlement that is rightfully yours. Call us now at 239-610-0845 or contact us online to request a free consultation and to get the legal help you need.

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