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Naples Personal Injury Lawyer > Fort Myers Child Injury Lawyer

Fort Myers Child Injury Lawyer

There are few things in life as traumatizing and heart-wrenching as seeing your child become seriously injured. We understand the fear, grief, confusion, and anger that you may be feeling at this time as a parent. If your child was injured by the negligent acts of another party, our Fort Myers child injury lawyer at Cardinal Law, P.A., is here to help you seek legal action. While no amount of money will take back what happened to your child, the financial compensation that you may be owed can help create a more stable financial future, as well as give you a sense of justice.

Car Collisions

When it comes to serious and catastrophic injuries, the most likely manner in which it happens to all members of society, regardless of age, is out on the roads. We handle all types of traffic collision injuries, whether your child was the occupant of a vehicle, on foot as a pedestrian, riding their bike, or was injured in any other scenario.

Gun Violence

Tragically, we live in a society where the number one cause of child deaths is gun violence. Whether it was an accidental shooting, or an intentional act, you can seek damages from the at-fault party (or parties), whether your child was injured or killed.

Playground Accidents

Most playground and park accidents are no one’s fault, other than gravity and friction. However, there are certainly scenarios in which the school, municipality, or private entity that owns and is responsible for the park could be held liable in the event of an injury. If dangerous, defective, damaged, or dilapidated playground equipment caused the injury, you may have a case worth pursuing.

School Injuries and Bullying

Schools take on a great responsibility when your children are under their supervision. Injuries on school grounds may warrant an investigation into potential negligence. Stepping in when bullying occurs is also the responsibility of a school, as well as other parties. If your child was physically injured by a bully, or they were bullied online to the point of self-harm, a lawyer can review your case and seek out any potential liable parties, including the school and even the parents of the bully.

Other Potential Liable Parties

  • Daycare center
  • Another adult who was responsible for your child at the time of injury
  • Dog owner in the event of a dog attack
  • Home owner in the event of a pool injury or drowning
  • Doctors, hospitals, or other medical professionals in the event of medical malpractice
  • Toy or other consumer product manufacturer in the event of a product liability injury

Contact a Fort Myers Child Injury Lawyer Today

If your child suffered broken bones, concussion, spinal cord injury, lacerations, serious contusions, or any other type of injury, we are here to help you seek fair compensation for their medical bills, pain and suffering, future disability, and more. To get started today, call the Fort Myers child injury lawyers at Cardinal Law, P.A. at 844-874-PAIN to schedule a free consultation.

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