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Naples Personal Injury Lawyer > Fort Myers Truck Accident Lawyer

Fort Myers Truck Accident Lawyer

The most terrifying traffic collisions generally involve large trucks. The size difference between an 80,000 pound semi-truck and a car means that even low speed collisions can cause catastrophic damage to the car and occupants within. If you were injured in a truck crash, filing a claim against the trucking company is in your best interests when it comes to compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, wrecked vehicle, and other damages. The Fort Myers truck accident lawyer at Cardinal Law, P.A. can help you take this complex task on. While no lawyer can guarantee victory in a personal injury claim, we are confident in our ability to provide our clients with the highest chance of success in the most complicated cases out there.

Negligent Driving

Driving a big rig is tough, particularly along tight roads and in busy highway traffic, but truck drivers are trained for their job and should have the experience and professionalism that the job requires. Most truck collisions are caused by negligent driving, and there is no excuse that a driver or trucking company can come up with that erases the injuries and damage done to the victim and their family. Negligent truck driving often involves:

  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Falling asleep behind the wheel
  • Drowsy driving
  • Intoxicated driving (with narcotics or alcohol)

Also common is aggressive and impatient driving, failure to use turn signals, failure to wait for other road users at the side to pass before the truck driver changes lanes, and, of course, distracted driving. Cell phone use, watching videos, and daydreaming are all common on long, cross-country voyages. Unfortunately, killing boredom can mean killing other road users when the driver is operating a multi-ton vehicle.

Overloading and Improper Loading Issues

Overloading, improperly loading or strapping down, and other negligent forms of cargo loading can cause a crash by:

  • Putting too much strain on the brakes
  • Increasing the stopping/slowing distance in an emergency
  • Raising the truck’s center of gravity, making it prone to a rollover
  • Objects and cargo falling off the truck into the roadway

Defective or Worn Out Brakes and Other Auto Parts

Because trucks have so much strain, in terms of mileage and weight hauled, over their lifetime, they require constant upkeep. Trucking companies are responsible for proper maintenance, and crashes caused by negligent maintenance are grounds for a personal injury claim. Additionally, truck parts can fail simply due to defects. Blown tires, defective brakes, defective side view cameras, and other improperly manufactured parts can lead to collisions. If this was the cause of your crash, the automaker may be liable.

Contact a Fort Myers Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck crash victims typically end up with serious injuries, such as concussion, whiplash, fractures, traumatic brain injury, lacerations, and serious contusions. These injuries result in medical bills, lost income, and other economic and non economic harm. The Fort Myers truck accident lawyer at Cardinal Law, P.A. can help you recover these damages. Call us today at 844-874-PAIN to schedule a free consultation.

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