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Naples Personal Injury Lawyer > Immokalee Car Accident Lawyer

Immokalee Car Accident Lawyer

Florida has the unfortunate distinction of being one of the most dangerous states for drivers. Many Florida roads are among the deadliest in the nation, with I-4 being one of the most notorious. If you were involved in a car wreck, you are not alone. Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reports that Collier County experienced 5,926 accidents in 2021, resulting in 3,465 injuries for the year, including 41 fatalities. The accidents leave many victims with considerable pain and expense.

If you were injured in an accident, reach out to Cardinal Law. An Immokalee car accident lawyer can review whether you qualify for compensation above and beyond the no-fault insurance required by the state.

Can You Receive Compensation for an Immokalee Car Accident?

Florida is one of the few states with no-fault insurance. Under the law, every motorist should have at least $10,000 in personal injury protection insurance (called PIP). This policy will cover up to 80% of your medical bills and 60% of lost wages, up to the policy limit. Florida’s legislature is committed to weeding out frivolous claims, so they require that victims seek medical care within 14 days of the accident or lose out on the ability to receive any PIP benefits.

Unfortunately, $10,000 is not nearly enough when people suffer meaningful bodily injuries, such as whiplash, concussions, fractures, back injuries, and crush injuries. Many people call our firm expressing concern that they cannot pay the medical and rehabilitation bills that arrive daily in their mailbox. They need help but don’t know what’s possible.

Florida motorists can bring a lawsuit against a negligent driver in certain situations. Often, a distracted or fatigued motorist crashes into you, and they should have to pay compensation because of this lack of care.

If you have a “serious injury” under Florida law, you can even seek financial compensation for pain and suffering and intangible losses like that. PIP insurance does not cover pain, so filing a lawsuit for a serious injury can dramatically increase the amount of money you take home. A serious injury includes any injury that results in significant and permanent scarring/disfigurement or loss of a bodily function. A permanent disability also qualifies.

If a loved one died in a wreck, you might bring a wrongful death claim against the person responsible. This is an unusual type of car accident claim with many detailed rules. We encourage anyone involved in an accident to research Immokalee car accident lawyers and hire an experienced team.

Call Cardinal Law for a Consultation

Accident victims deserve a lawyer with the right mix of experience and legal expertise. Cardinal Law has negotiated many settlements for badly injured victims and their families. We know how to win these cases, as our track record of success shows. Sadly, PIP insurance is inadequate for most people, and you should bring a claim against a negligent driver if you have that option.

Do you have questions? Please contact our firm to speak with an Immokalee car accident lawyer in a confidential consultation.

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