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Naples Personal Injury Lawyer > Lehigh Acres Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Lehigh Acres Bicycle Accident Lawyer

While there are many great aspects to living in Lehigh Acres, Florida in general lacks the bike infrastructure and driving culture needed to make our state and community safe for cyclists. If you were injured by a distracted driver, drunk driver, or road rage driver while you were riding your bike, we can help you seek justice by filing a personal injury claim against that party. We will stop at nothing to maximize your take-home pay. As a cyclist, you may be up against the odds when it comes to receiving fair treatment on the roads. But with the help of the Lehigh Acres bicycle accident lawyer at Cardinal Law, P.A., you can reverse those odds in and out of the courtroom.

We Fully Understand Cyclists’ Rights

In order to win bike vs. car personal injury claims and best serve the needs of our clients, we are always up to date on changes in traffic law. We also understand the dynamic that cyclists face out on the road; we know what you are up against. We have handled countless types of bike crashes, from right hooks to drivers failing to yield right of way, and we know how to get results. That starts by conducting an investigation of our own if the police got things wrong. When necessary, we work with crash scene reconstruction experts, eye witnesses, and other parties that can help establish fault. From there, we will begin the extensive process of establishing liability and damages, and then negotiating the terms of a settlement.

Distracted Driving

A driver cannot simply claim that the cyclist “came out of nowhere” or that the driver “didn’t see them” and expect to walk away from the incident without being held at fault. Yet, these two excuses are often the first words out of the driver’s mouth, even as the injured cyclist is lying on the ground in agony. Distracted driving is a serious problem, especially for cyclists who have no protection against a two- or five-ton vehicle. Furthermore, cyclists are not obligated to wear bright clothing, use flashing lights during the day, or walk their bike across crosswalks in busy intersections. Cyclists have a right to use the road, and drivers have the obligation to pay attention to what they are doing.

Road Rage

Road rage is a common source of injury for cyclists, as an alarming proportion of drivers feel the need to intimidate and harass those on two wheels. Honking, buzzing by coming too close, and yelling at cyclists to get on the sidewalk are all examples of road rage. Sadly, thousands of cyclists have been killed in recent years because of these, and even more egregious, actions.

Call a Lehigh Acres Bicycle Accident Lawyer Today

Whether you choose to get around by bike or by car, the rules of the road, and the civil courts, are there to protect you in the event of a crash. If you were seriously injured, the Lehigh Acres bicycle accident lawyer at Cardinal Law, P.A. can help you seek compensation for your medical bills, pain and suffering property damage, and more. Call us today at 239-610-0845 to schedule a free consultation.

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