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Naples Personal Injury Lawyer > Lehigh Acres Birth Injury Lawyer

Lehigh Acres Birth Injury Lawyer

While minor birth injuries are relatively common and typically heal within a few days to weeks, more serious injuries deserve to be investigated by an experienced medical malpractice attorney to ensure that no wrongdoing occurred during the delivery or beforehand, due to diagnostic errors. If you or your baby were harmed during delivery, the Lehigh Acres birth injury lawyer at Cardinal Law, P.A., is here to help you seek justice by filing an injury lawsuit against the negligent medical professional or institution that should have provided a higher degree of care.

What is The Standard of Care?

Medical professionals are sometimes up against impossible challenges when it comes to delivering babies, ensuring the well-being of the mother, and foreseeing potential complications. Sometimes, there simply is no one to blame when a newborn or a mother gets hurt. However, if a doctor or hospital made a mistake that breached the standard of care, the injured party has a legal right to seek compensation by filing a medical malpractice claim. But what is the standard of care? A medical standard of care refers to the type of quality of care a reasonably skilled medical provider would have provided a patient with similar medical circumstances, in the same area. For example, a doctor in Lehigh Acres treating someone with a broken wrist and a doctor in Cape Coral treating another patient with the same type of broken wrist should provide the same type of medical treatment. The same goes for deliveries. If an injury occurred and the medical team did not abide by the medical standard of care, you may be able to successfully sue for compensation.

Examples of Negligence

There are virtually endless scenarios in which a doctor could potentially cause harm during or before delivery. Many of these forms of negligence involve failure to diagnose. Thanks to modern medicine, the vast majority of birth complications can be detected well in advance, and doctors have a duty to ensure that all diagnostic testing and efforts are exhausted in order to prevent injury during birth. A few examples of failure to diagnose, as well as other forms of birth negligence, include the following:

  • Failure to diagnose gestational diabetes
  • Failure to diagnose pregnancy induced hypertension
  • Failure to diagnose fetal growth concerns
  • Failure to diagnose preeclampsia
  • Failure to perform a C-section in time
  • Inducing labor too early
  • Improper use of forceps or vacuum during delivery

Common Birth Injuries

  • Cephalohematoma
  • Caput succedaneum
  • Subarachnoid hemorrhage
  • Nerve injuries
  • Bleeding of the brain
  • Bleeding surrounding the brain
  • Intraventricular hemorrhage
  • Epidural hematoma
  • Facial paralysis
  • Fractures

Call a Lehigh Acres Birth Injury Lawyer Today

While no amount of money can undo the harm caused to your newborn baby, or the harm done to you as the mother, a personal injury claim can help pay for medical expenses, pain and suffering damages, lost income, future cost of medical care for your child, and much more. Call the Lehigh Acres birth injury lawyer at Cardinal Law, P.A. today at 239-610-0845 to schedule a free consultation.

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