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Naples Personal Injury Lawyer > Lehigh Acres Product Liability Lawyer

Lehigh Acres Product Liability Lawyer

If a manufacturer puts a dangerous or defective product in a consumer’s hands, and the consumer gets injured as a result, the manufacturer can be held financially accountable in a product liability claim. Dangerous and defective products are all around us, and many never get recalled. If you or a loved one were injured by a consumer product, whether it was a piece of furniture, electronic device, child’s toy, or anything else, the Lehigh Acres product liability lawyer at Cardinal Law, P.A. will take the time to review your case and advise you on what to do next. You may be owed a significant financial sum by the negligent manufacturer of the defective product.

How a Product Liability Claim Works

An injured consumer (user of a product) does not have to show proof of purchase in order to file a product liability claim. What they do have to establish, however, are the following:

  • The product was defective
  • The consumer was injured and suffered damages
  • The product caused the consumer’s injury

The manufacturer may claim that there was breach of warranty, argue that the plaintiff’s injuries are not as severe as they claim, or attempt to throw a wrench in the gears in a variety of other ways in order to limit their liability or reduce the settlement. This is why you need an attorney on your side.

The Three Types of Product Liability Claims

  1. Defective Design—Manufacturers have a duty to test products for safety before they are released onto the market. Defective designs can result in serious harm to a consumer even if the product was manufactured to the T.
  2. Defective Manufacturing—A manufacturer’s responsibility does not stop at design. Once a product is tested for safety, it must also pass quality control tests during the manufacturing process. However, many defectively manufactured products pass through this step, landing in the hands of unsuspecting consumers.
  3. Failure to Warn—Marketing errors can also lead to a consumer’s injury. Failure to warn the consumer about the potential hazards of the product, and failure to provide proper instructions, are both grounds for a product liability lawsuit if the consumer becomes injured.

In addition to the three types of product liability claims above, a distributor or retailer can also be held accountable for your injuries if they knowingly sold, distributed to a store, or kept on their shelves, a product that was damaged or defective.

Damages in a Lehigh Acres Product Liability Claim

  • Medical expenses and future cost of medical care
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of joy of life
  • Emotional distress
  • Property damage
  • Lost income
  • Lost future income due to disability

Call a Lehigh Acres Product Liability Lawyer Today

Contacting a manufacturer directly about an injury caused by their defective product will not get you anywhere, unfortunately. In order to get the attention of a large corporation, or a company of any size, you need to work with an attorney, who will advocate for your best interests every step of the way. Call the Lehigh Acres product liability lawyers at Cardinal Law, P.A. today at 239-610-0845 to schedule a free consultation.

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