Naples Drunk Driving Car Accidents: Five Common Myths

Drunk driving accidents in Naples are a serious problem. While public awareness campaigns and law enforcement efforts have helped reduce the risks, these crashes continue to impact victims and families throughout Collier County. Our Naples drunk driving accident lawyer sheds light on some common myths.
The Impact Of Alcohol On Your Driving Abilities
According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), drunk driving continues to be a major threat throughout the state. The overall number of drunk driving accidents in Naples has decreased over the past decade, but nearly 100 of these crashes still happen throughout Collier County each year. Sadly, these often result in severe and potentially life-threatening personal injuries.
One of the biggest misconceptions people have about drunk driving and the first myth we will shatter is that having only one or two drinks does not impact driving abilities. The fact is that driving with any amount of alcohol in your system increases car accident risks (and could result in criminal charges). Common effects of even minor amounts of alcohol include:
- Poor judgment, making it harder to determine the effects of alcohol on driving abilities;
- Vision disturbances, making it harder to see the road and other drivers;
- Lack of coordination, making it more difficult to juggle the multiple tasks required by driving;
- Slower reaction times, making you less likely to respond appropriately in emergency situations.
Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over
Drive Sober Florida works with the state Department of Transportation and law enforcement agencies to help spread the word about the risks of drunk driving accidents. They warn that in addition to underestimating the impact of even minor amounts of alcohol in your system, there are four other common myths about drunk driving that need to be dispelled:
- Drinking wine or light beer has less impact. While some alcoholic beverages have a higher alcohol content, the fact is that you just as easily become impaired on a couple of glasses of wine as you can drinking hard liquor.
- Coffee or energy drinks help you sober up. This is simply not the case. Eating something while drinking can help reduce alcohol absorption rates, but will also not sober you up or make it safe for you to drive.
- You can tell when someone has had too much to drink. Just because you or a loved one does not appear intoxicated, it does not mean they are safe to get behind the wheel.
- Riding a bike or walking is safer. Being under the influence is a common factor in bicycle and pedestrian accidents in Naples. The safest bet is to take a cab or have a friend drive you home.
Contact Our Naples Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer
If you or someone you love is injured in a drunk driving accident, reach out to Cardinal Law, P.A. We help victims in these cases get the compensation they need to recover. Give us a call or contact our Naples drunk driving accident lawyer online and request a consultation today.