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Naples Personal Injury Lawyer > Immokalee Construction Accident Lawyer

Immokalee Construction Accident Lawyer

Construction is one of the most dangerous jobs in Florida. Each year, hundreds of workers are injured in serious falls, electrocutions, or struck-by accidents. They suffer intense pain, and many cannot work for weeks or months. These injuries are devastating for workers and their families. Many construction workers are the main breadwinners, and they can struggle to keep the lights on when a bad accident leaves them sidelined.

The good news is that Florida’s workers’ compensation system provides benefits to workers on a no-fault basis. This means you can seek medical care and wage loss benefits without needing to prove fault. Call an Immokalee construction accident lawyer today to discuss your workplace accident. We can help you access benefits.

Your Right to Compensation

Anyone suffering on-the-job injuries should qualify for workers’ compensation benefits. Florida law requires that most employers in the state purchase a workers’ comp insurance policy.

Many construction workers are injured by:

  • Falls
  • Collisions with motor vehicles
  • Struck-by accidents involving falling material
  • Electrocution
  • Excessive noise
  • Toxic exposure

Workers’ compensation will cover all reasonable and necessary medical care to treat your injuries, including surgery, physical therapy, prescription medication, and visits with the doctor. You might also qualify for a portion of your lost wages if you can’t work or can only return on light duty.

Unfortunately, Florida law prohibits workers from suing their employer in most cases. That’s the trade-off with workers’ compensation benefits. You get benefits quickly and without any need to provide fault, and your employer is protected from a lawsuit.

Workers’ compensation is not generous. It does not pay compensation for physical pain, disfigurement, depression, or any loss like that. For badly injured workers, that could represent a considerable loss of compensation.

You also will not receive full compensation for lost wages. Instead, many workers receive only 2/3 of their average weekly wage, so there is still financial distress. Nonetheless, some benefits are better than nothing.

Construction Accident Lawsuits

In some situations, our clients can bring a lawsuit for compensation. For example, your employer might have intentionally injured you, or they failed to buy a workers’ compensation insurance policy. They are not protected by the law in those cases.

In other situations, we can file a lawsuit against a third party who is responsible for your injuries. Imagine if you travel for work and are hit by a member of the public on the road. You might sue the driver for negligence. Or a defective product could have failed on the jobsite. Faulty scaffolding could collapse, or a respiratory mask could fail to work as expected. We might sue the manufacturer of this defective product.

Call Cardinal Law for More Information

Immokalee continues to see major construction projects go up all the time. We salute the men and women who work in the construction trades and keep our city among the best places to live in Florida. Please call our law firm today to schedule a free consultation with an Immokalee construction accident lawyer to discuss any on-the-job accident.

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